머리 조금만 다듬어 주세요
Hello, how can I help you today? 안녕하세요, 무엇을 도와드릴까요? I would like to get my hair trimmed. 머리 조금만 다듬어 주세요.
트랜스 지방 추방하기
There may be something in your food that you cannot see and cannot taste. But it could be killing you. It is an artificial oil commonly called trans fat.
눈싸움 금지법
Cold, snowy weather has arrived in many places. That means young people are enjoying building snowmen, going sledding and having snowball fights.
결국 못 갈 수도 있어
Hey Jason, are you going to Brian’s farewell party tonight? I plan to go but I could wind up not going if my staff meeting doesn’t end on time.
It wasn't so long ago, when someone was mowing the lawn with an old-style push mower, that you'd hear comments like, "I didn't know they still MADE those things."
건강에 좋은 해초
Seaweed describes plants and algae that grow in oceans, lakes, rivers and other bodies of water.
꾹 참다
Mike: Yes it was long~! I was going to say something about that, but I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue.
위험한 셀프카메라
"Selfie," taking a picture of yourself to post on social media, became an official word in the Oxford dictionary in 2013.
한 가지 일에 모든 것을 걸다
So I quit because I thought I had a job at this other place but I hadn’t gotten offered it yet so I put all my eggs into that one basket.
다 같은 입장에 처해 있다
Young: Wow! So no school until they say so huh?
Yujin: Yeah, you’re right. No one’s going back yet. We’re all in the same boat!
큰 의미를 가진다
Well, besides being the first man to step on the moon, we’re from Beaver County where Cape Canaveral is so he means an awful lot to us.
Jeans are pants made from a kind of cloth called denim. For many people, blue jeans represent American culture.
Switzerland has opened the world's longest suspension footbridge. It is 494 meters long.
실리콘밸리의 음악산업
Nashville, Tennessee is known as “Music City” in the United States. But on the west coast, some people might argue Silicon Valley is just as worthy of the name.
플로리다의 야자수
Florida’s famous palm trees are under attack from a disease that completely dries them out within months.
This spring marks the 400th anniversary of the death of British playwright William Shakespeare. His plays have had a major influence on the world’s literature and drama.
마음을 졸이다
Hey, how did you do on your test? Did you pass? I think I did okay. But I won’t find out the results until next week.
석 잔의 차
A book called "Three Cups of Tea" has been on the best seller lists in the United States for more than a year. It has sold more than one million copies. The book tells the true story of how one person can make a difference in the lives of many people.
카세트 테이프
Recently, the New York Times ran an obituary, but not about a person. The paper said good-bye to an old friend: the audio cassette tape.
A choir can describe a group of instruments of the same type, for example a brass choir.