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A mind filled with fear and bad thoughts is an unquiet mind. When you are worried, it can be hard to direct your attention on even a minor problem.

올리브 오일
Extra-virgin olive oil is also a major part of the Mediterranean diet. And new research shows that it may protect the brain from losing its ability to work properly.

인제야 왔네
It’s about time! I was wondering why you weren’t coming. What happened?

자동차 정비소
When Sharon and Gene Ward’s van started making strange noises, the Virginia couple panicked. “Our car started to sound like a million crickets chirping. And we had taken it to a place down in Manassas and we told the person that we are on a limited income."

물의 흐름에서 얻는 에너지
A number of companies have used the wind and sun to produce energy. Now, one company is using the force of flowing rivers and ocean currents.

Trees are so important that some people have made it their goal to protect them. We call these people “tree huggers.”

휘파람 언어
The United Nations is calling for urgent action to protect a whistled language used in a mountainous area of Turkey.

재택 근무
People are moving their work from offices to their living rooms, extra bedrooms, kitchens and basements.

There are several kinds of citrus fruit. The most common are limes, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and lemons.

잘 지켜보고 있을게
Can you keep an eye on my computer while I use the restroom? Sure, no problem. I’ll keep an eye on it.

세계 최장신국은 어디?
The tallest men in the world are Dutch, while the tallest women come from Latvia. That finding comes from a new British study. It also found that East Timor is home to some of the shortest men on our planet, while the shortest women are in Guatemala.

평지풍파를 일으키다
Look Jen, everything is fine just the way they are. You don’t need to rock the boat and mess things up.

TV 시청 시간과 건강
Working at a desk all day may not be as bad for your health as sitting in front of a television after work.

냄새 방지하는 옷
When people exercise, their bodies sweat and their clothes get wet. And that means their clothes, like their bodies, can smell.

마음챙김 훈련
A small experiment shows that mindfulness training exercises may help people who drink large amounts of alcohol.

뜨거운 음료는 피해야
The next time you make yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee, you might want to let it cool down a bit before drinking.

애완동물 아기 사자
On the roof of an apartment building in one of Gaza’s most crowded cities live some unusual occupants -- two baby lions.

붉은 고기
Many studies have tied red meat food to cancer and heart disease. But are the risks big enough to stop eating foods like lamb chops and hamburgers?

너무 놀라서 얼어붙은
Today we talk about an animal found in many parts of the United States -- deer.

An intergovernmental organization says water levels in the Mekong River have dropped to “worrying levels.”