Listen to English every day!

전기차 소리
Electric vehicles are also known for not producing another kind of pollution -- noise. They run on batteries instead of fuel, and can operate in silence.

부주의로 빠지다
Alice, did you drop off my dress at the dry cleaners? Oh right! Sorry, I was busy doing something else that dropping off your dress at the dry cleaners fell through the cracks.

비위 맞추다
Vivian: Usually a teacher’s pet is someone that really likes to suck up to the teacher just to try to get easy grades or just, you know, trying to better themselves.

건초를 묶는 철사
Today, we are going on a make-believe trip to the countryside to learn about a word that comes from something used on a farm -- haywire.

쓰기 전에 생각하라
For the past 18 years, Jim Allan has run a secretarial center in Los Angeles. He offers typing -- and a lot more. He draws on his background as a corporate lawyer in Canada to teach clients...

별일 없어?
Hey, what’s cooking? Anything new happening with you? Nothing much. Just same old same old. How about you? How is everything going?

당근과 채찍
There are many ways to get people to do what you want. You can threaten them with punishment. You can also entice others with a reward.

골프를 더 재미있게
The U.S. is also the world’s biggest market for golf equipment, according to a report from Golf Datatech. The other top countries are Japan, South Korea, United Kingdom, Canada and China.

특별히 애를 쓰다
How did you get your computer fixed right away? Doesn’t it take usually a week or so?

서브프라임 모기지
Subprime mortgages are loans to people who may not have enough money to repay them. These and other risky housing loans are often grouped with other mortgages and sold as debt investments.

새 먹이 주기
Many Americans enjoy spending time with nature, and one popular activity is feeding wild birds.

눈을 깜박이는 이유
People blink their eyes tens of thousands of times every day. Scientists have long believed blinking was an involuntary movement and served mainly to keep the eyeballs wet.

화나게 하다
What’s wrong? You seem ticked off. I am! Justin keeps pulling pranks on me and it really ticks me off.

이것 좀 해주실 수 있으세요?
I’m here at a face painting booth, right? Hey! What can you do for me? We have this big list of different kinds of pictures.

하룻밤 자며 생각하다
So are you going to sell your car or not? Well, I haven’t made a decision yet. I will need to sleep on it.

중국 짝퉁
The Bush administration recently introduced legislation to strengthen intellectual property rights enforcement and impose stiffer prison sentences against those convicted of certain types of counterfeiting.

휴대폰 벨소리
Cellular phones are extremely popular in the United States and around the world, especially among young people. Now, teenagers are using a cell phone ringtone that many adults cannot hear.

어떤 지하철 노선을 타야 되나요?
Excuse me, sir. I’m trying to go to the White House. Which subway line should I take? 실례합니다. 지금 제가 백악관을 가려고 하는데요, 어떤 지하철 노선을 타야 되나요?

Hey, how did you do on your test? I was really worried about how I would do, but in the end I passed it with flying colors!

There are several kinds of citrus fruit. The most common are limes, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines and lemons.