완전히 즉흥적이야
오늘의 영어 표현은: It’s definitely spontaneous.
A couple of days ago, I bumped into Jackie and Andrew. They actually decided to spontaneously rent a bike and go biking around the city.
제가 재키와 앤드류를 워싱턴 디씨의 거리에서 우연히 만났습니다. 마침 두 사람은 즉흥적으로 자전거를 빌려 도시를 돌아보며 주말을 즐길 계획이라고 하더라구요.
오늘의 영어 표현인 it’s definitely spontaneous가 어떻게 쓰이는지 알아보기 전에 제가 Jackie와 Andrew와 함께 대화한 것을 먼저 들어보시겠습니다.
오늘의 영어 표현 it’s definitely spontaneous 이죠. Listen carefully!
Jen: When is the last time -- the last time you guys rode a bike?
Jackie: Actually for me, it’s probably been a couple of years, but, you know, definitely I’m looking forward to it.
Andrew: Well, I think I’ve rode at least a year ago, within the last year. that's right.
Jen: Any plans on where you guys are going to go? Or is it going to be a spontaneous ride around the city?
Jackie: It’s definitely spontaneous because we’re not familiar with this area at all!
Andrew: Right! We’ve been talking about where we are going but we’re not sure.
Jackie: Yeah, we will find some shopping and some place good to eat. It should be fun!
제가 재키 하고 앤드류에게, “자전거를 탄 지 얼마나 됐어요?” 라고 물어 봤더니 재키는 한 몇 년 됐다고 하고 앤드류는 한 일 년 정도 됐다고’ 대답하더라고요.
Any plans on where you guys are going to go? “자전거를 타고 어디로 갈 계획인가요?” 라고도 물어봤습니다. “It’s definitely spontaneous because we’re not familiar with the area at all!” 우리는 이 동네를 잘 몰라서 그냥 자전거를 타고 구경하면서 좋은 음식점이 있으면 가기도 하고, 그냥 계획없이 즉흥적으로 도시를 구경할 겁니다.” 라고 하더라구요.
오늘의 영어 표현은: It’s definitely spontaneous 이죠?
Spontaneous 는 ‘억지로 하거나 연습한 것이 아닌 / 즉흥적이다’ 라는 뜻입니다.
그래서 ‘It’s definitely spontaneous’ 하면 ‘즉흥적이다/ 미리 계획하지 않았다’ 라는뜻이죠?
Then, let’s listen to our conversation again. 잘 들어보세요.
Jen: When is the last time -- the last time you guys rode a bike?
Jackie: Actually for me, it’s probably been a couple of years, but, you know, definitely I’m looking forward to it.
Andrew: Well, I think I’ve rode at least a year ago, within the last year. that's right.
Jen: Any plans on where you guys are going to go? Or is it going to be a spontaneous ride around the city?
Jackie: It’s definitely spontaneous because we’re not familiar with this area at all!
Andrew: Right! We’ve been talking about where we are going but we’re not sure.
Jackie: Yeah, we will find some shopping and some place good to eat. It should be fun!
본문에서 재키는 It’s definitely spontaneous because we’re not familiar with this area at all! 라고 했죠? 네 오늘의 영어표현 spontaneous, it's definitely spontaneous 즉흥적이다 / 미리 계획하지 않았다 it's definitely spontaneous.
Try using this phrase with your friends this weekend and keep on practicing. All right?