해서는 안된다
오늘의 영어 표현은: not supposed to.
Here in America, a driver’s license is an official document which states that a person may operate a vehicle. Also a driver’s license is used for identification purposes.
미국 운전면허증에 관해 한 가지 재미있는 점이 있는데요, 미국 내 50개 주의 운전면허증은 모두 다르게 생겼습니다. 보석 가게에서 일하는 James가 제 신원을 확인하려고 제 운전면허증을 보여달라고 했어요. 그때 전 버지니아 주와 이곳 워싱턴 디씨의 운전면허증에 차이가 있다는걸 알게 됐습니다.
Then let’s listen to a conversation I had with James regarding driver's license. 오늘의 영어 표현은 not supposed to 입니다. Listen carefully!
James: Oh, I used to have a D.C. Driver’s license and I loved it because they let me smile in the picture! But as soon as I moved to Virginia, I went to go take my picture for my license, and I go to smile and the lady was like “What are you doing?” I'm like, “I’m posing for my picture.” She goes “Stop that!” I was like “Oh my God!”
Jen: So in Virginia, you are not supposed to smile in Driver license pictures right? But in D.C. they are not really strict on that right?
James: In D.C. they are not really strict on that but in Virginia, they will not let you smile at all.
제임스는 ‘저도 제니퍼씨처럼 워싱턴 디씨에 살 때 디씨 운전면허증이 있었어요! 디씨 운전면허증의 사진을 찍을 땐 웃을 수 있어서 좋은데, 버지니아 주 운전면허증은 웃는 사진은 안된대요.’라고하더라고요.
그래서 제가 제임스에게 ‘So in Virginia, you are not supposed to smile in Driver license pictures right?’라고 물어봤습니다.
오늘의 영어 표현은: not supposed to 이죠?
‘supposed to’ 하면 ‘~을 해야만 하다’ 라는 뜻인데요, ‘supposed to’ 앞에 ‘not’를 붙이면 ‘not supposed to ~을 해서는 안된다’라는 뜻입니다.
If you are not supposed to do something, that means that one is not allowed to do something or should not be doing something. 그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다.
James: Oh, I used to have a D.C. Driver’s license and I loved it because they let me smile in the picture! But as soon as I moved to Virginia, I went to go take my picture for my license, and I go to smile and the lady was like “What are you doing?” I'm like, “I’m posing for my picture.” She goes “Stop that!” I was like “Oh my God!”
Jen: So in Virginia, you are not supposed to smile in Driver license pictures right? But in D.C. they are not really strict on that right?
James: In D.C. they are not really strict on that but in Virginia, they will not let you smile at all.
자, 본문 다시 한 번 들어보셨고요. Now it’s your turn. I’ll say some examples in Korean and you try saying it in English!
나는 너무 짠 음식을 먹으면 안되요.
그렇죠! I am not supposed to eat salty food.
미안하지만, 말하면 안되거든요.
맞습니다! Sorry, but I am not supposed to tell you!
오늘의 영어 표현 ‘not supposed to ~을 해서는 안된다.' Not supposed to.