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특별히 찾다

오늘의 영어 표현은: Look for in (something).

여성분들은 결혼하고 싶은 남자의 이상형은 뭘까요? Do they have to be smart? Be loyal and honest? 성실하고 솔직해야 하나요? 아니면 매력적이고 성공적인 직장을 가진 사람이어야 하나요?

I decided to ask young professional ladies between the ages of 26 to about 32, what they look for in a man. 꽤 재미있는 답변을 많이 들었습니다. 그럼 제가 여성분들과 함께 대화한 것을 먼저 들어보시죠!

오늘의 영어 표현은 look for in (something) 입니다. Listen carefully!

Jen: What do you look for in a man? What qualities?
Jamie: Someone who has a job. You can be a garbage man, I don’t care. Just be employed. Good relationship with his family, and a car. In this area, a car is very important.
Audrey: That he is hot!

Katie: I actually look for character because a lot of things change over time.
Claudia: They have to be making more than me. But I’m not too picky with the jobs, just a little more than me.

Stacie: What I tell my daughter are three things. They have to be smart, they have to have a great sense of humor, and treat you right.
Carol: Oh wow! ...intelligence, somebody who is fun that I can laugh with. And oh! Tall, he cannot be shorter than me.

Jessica: Definitely strong, intelligence, willing to keep an open mind, also, you know, if they got a good job, it shows that they are willing to work hard.

제가 워싱턴 DC 에 있는 젊은 직장인 여성분들에게 ‘What do you look for in a man? What qualities? 결혼할 남자를 찾을 때 어떤 자질을 눈여겨 보시나요?’ 라고 물어봤습니다.

이 여성분들은 ‘좋은 직장을 가진 사람을 찾고 있고, 분명히 똑똑해야 하고, 마음도 좋은 사람이어야 하고, 어떤 분은 또 매력적이고 외모가 멋있는 사람이어야 한다고 하네요.

오늘의 영어 표현은: To look for in (something) 입니다.
To look for in (something) 은 ‘~을 특별히 찾다 / 무언가를 찾고 있다’라는 뜻입니다.
그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다.

Jen: What do you look for in a man? What qualities?
Jamie: Someone who has a job. You can be a garbage man, I don’t care. Just be employed. Good relationship with his family, and a car. In this area, a car is very important.
Audrey: That he is hot!

Katie: I actually look for character because a lot of things change over time.
Claudia: They have to be making more than me. But I’m not too picky with the jobs, just a little more than me.

Stacie: What I tell my daughter are three things. They have to be smart, they have to have a great sense of humor, and treat you right.
Carol: Oh wow! ...intelligence, somebody who is fun that I can laugh with. And oh! Tall, he cannot be shorter than me.

Jessica: Definitely strong, intelligence, willing to keep an open mind, also, you know, if they got a good job, it shows that they are willing to work hard.

본문에서 참 재미있는 답변을 많이 들어보셨죠?
오늘의 영어 표현 ‘look for in (something) ~을 특별히 찾다 / 무언가를 찾고 있다'. Look for in (something).
친구들과 함께 연습해 보세요.
