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오늘의 영어 표현은: Weather the storm.

Well sadly, America had a large storm that came through the East Coast. And of course, many people were left homeless.

이번 허리케인으로 많은 사람들이 피해를 봤지만 I’m sure America will weather the storm. 곧 어려움을 극복하고 이겨낼 것이라고 확신합니다. 비록 시간은 걸리겠지만요.

Well luckily, I met Tim and Susanne who were fortunate enough to weather the storm. 그럼 대화를 먼저 들어보실까요? 오늘의 영어 표현은 weather the storm 입니다. Listen carefully!

Tim: I was able to weather the storm ok. I was kind of worried because I live in a dorm. And we weren’t sure that we were going to evacuate because we heard rumors but everything turned out to be fine because the power didn’t go out and we had school the next day.

Suzanne: Yes, we weather the stormed great. We were in Falls Church Virginia so we never lost power. We were a little bit worried being away from home.

본문에서 팀은 ‘I was able to weather the storm ok, 폭풍을 잘 견뎌냈어요. 학교 기숙사에서 사는데, 기숙사에서 다 나가야 한다는 말이 있어서 걱정도 되고 불안하기도 했죠. 그런데 다행히 전기도 안 나가고 다 괜찮아서 다음날 수업도 정상대로 진행됐죠.'라고 말했습니다.

그리고 수잰도 ‘Yes, we weathered the storm great.’ 폭풍을 잘 견뎌냈다고 하네요.

오늘의 영어 표현은: Weather the storm 입니다. Weather는 ‘날씨’라는 뜻이고 Storm은 ‘폭풍’이라는 뜻입니다.

말 그대로 하면 ‘weather the storm’ 폭풍우를 견뎌내다, 폭풍우를 뜷고 나오다 라는 말인데요, 즉 ‘어려운 고비를 넘다 / 어려운 상황을 극복하다 / ~을 견뎌내다’라는 뜻입니다.

To weather the storm means to be all right despite experiencing serious problems or great difficulties. 그럼 대화를 다시 들어보겠습니다.

Tim: I was able to weather the storm ok. I was kind of worried because I live in a dorm. And we weren’t sure that we were going to evacuate because we heard rumors but everything turned out to be fine because the power didn’t go out and we had school the next day.

Suzanne: Yes, we weather the stormed great. We were in Falls Church Virginia so we never lost power. We were a little bit worried being away from home.

자, 본문 다시 한 번 들어보셨고요. 이젠 제가 한국말로 할게요. 영어로 표현해 보세요.
요즘 불경기가 심해. 더 이상 견뎌내기 힘들 것 같아!
맞습니다! This recession is quite serious and it’s becoming difficult to weather the storm.

오늘의 영어 표현 ‘weather the storm 어려운 고비를 넘다 / 어려운 상황을 극복하다 / ~을 견뎌내다’. Weather the storm.

Well, if you are going through something difficult or pretty rough, don’t worry too much because I know that you can weather the storm ok? Remember, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t forget that!

그럼 오늘의 영어 표현 Weather the storm. 친구들과 함께 연습해 보세요.
