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오늘의 영어 표현은: Knocked out 이죠. 그럼 먼저 제가 송희 (Song-hee)와 나눈 대화 내용을 들어보시겠습니다. Listen carefully.

Song-hee: When I came here last time, I thought all my work was done and I can be relaxed with her, and when we were at Ocean City, I was so tired and sleeping the whole time.
Jen: Oh yeah! You were knocked out!
Song-hee: Oh my goodness!

Jen: So Marianne and I, we were not going to say anything, but I was like “but it’s 10, but it’s 10 o’clock almost. I’ve got to wake them up.”
Song-hee: I know, I should have…
Jen: No, but I had a good time.
Song-hee: And I feel much better now.

제 친구 송희는 딸과 함께 Washington DC 에 주말여행을 하러 왔었는데요, 딸이 바다를 보고 싶다고 해서 매릴랜드 Ocean City 근처에 있는 친구네 집으로 놀러 갔습니다.

그런데 송희는 그전 날 회사에서 늦은 시간 동안 일을 해서 그런지 Ocean City 에 있는 친구집에 도착하자마자 소파에서 피곤하다고 깊은 잠을 들은 것 있죠. 제가 깨워도 못 일어나서 결국은 송희만 빼놓고 다들 바닷가에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.

본문에서 송희는 “…but when we were at Ocean City, I was so tired and sleeping the whole time. 오션시티에 도착하자마자 너무 피곤해서 계속 잠만 잤네. 어떡하냐?”라고 했더니 제가 “Oh yes! You were knocked out! 맞아! 너무 지쳐서 잠에서 못 일어나더라”라고 대답했죠.

오늘의 영어 표현은 ‘knocked out’ 입니다. When you are knocked out, it means that you are worn out and exhausted from something. It can also mean that you are in deep sleep because you are so tired. ‘Knocked out’는 ‘~때문에 지치다 또는 너무 지쳐서 잠에서 못 일어난다’라는 뜻입니다.

오늘의 영어 표현 knocked out 꼭 기억해두시고요, 그럼 여기서 오늘의 대화를 다시 한 번 들어보시겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요!

Song-hee: When I came here last time, I thought all my work was done and I can be relaxed with her, and when we were at Ocean City, I was so tired and sleeping the whole time.
Jen: Oh yeah! You were knocked out!
Song-hee: Oh my goodness!

Jen: So Marianne and I, we were not going to say anything, but I was like “but it’s 10, but it’s 10 o’clock almost. I’ve got to wake them up.”
Song-hee: I know, I should have…
Jen: No, but I had a good time.
Song-hee: And I feel much better now.

Today's Phrase: knocked out. To be worn out and exhausted from something. Or it can mean that you are in deep sleep because you are so tired. Knocked out ~때문에 너무 지쳐 있다 또는 너무 지쳐서 잠에서 못 일어난다. Knocked out 꼭 기억해두세요!
