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Parsley/ is an ancient green/ and a respected addition/ to many foods. But other times, its job/ is just to make a mealtime plate/ look pretty. Poor parsley, valued for its looks, then thrown away.
Yet/ parsley/ is a good source/ of vitamins and other nutrients. The taste/ is a little strong/ for some people, but others/ chew on parsley/ to freshen their breath.
Curly parsley/ is the kind/ that often ends up being used/ just for appearance. Many gardeners/ grow curly parsley/ as a border/ for flowerbeds.
Flat-leaf parsley/ is easier to work with/ for cooking. This kind/ is often called/ Italian or French parsley.
Do you know/ about a third kind of parsley? Hamburg parsley/ has flat leaves/ that can be used/ for the same purposes/ as other parsley. But Hamburg parsley/ has a large root/ which is used/ as a vegetable -- for example, to add flavor/ to soups. Hamburg parsley/ is popular, not surprisingly, in Germany, home to Hamburg.
Parsley/ is used/ in foods/ such as tabouli, a traditional Lebanese salad, and is often served/ with lamb, fish and beef dishes. Parsley/ is an herb/ if you use just the greens. If the root/ is used, then parsley/ is considered/ a vegetable.
Some gardeners/ suggest that/ to get the best tasting parsley, you should plant new seeds/ every year. You can get parsley/ to grow faster/ by pouring warm water/ over the seeds. Leave the seeds/ in the water/ overnight. Then you can grow them/ in containers/ indoors/ or plant them/ outside.
Charlie Nardozzi/ is a writer/ for the National Gardening Association/ in the United States. He says/ parsley/ grows best when temperatures/ are under twenty-one degrees Celsius. In colder climates, parsley/ can go into the ground/ two to three weeks/ before the last freeze/ is likely to happen.
Charlie Nardozzi says/ parsley/ likes to grow/ in sunny places/ or in partial sun. The seeds/ need rich, moist soil. Plant the seeds/ about fifteen to twenty-five centimeters/ apart. Water regularly/ during the first month. After that, parsley does not need very much water.
Ron Waldrop/ is a county extension director/ for the University of Illinois. He says/ you can harvest parsley/ by cutting most of the plant, or leave more of the plant/ in the ground/ for a second crop.
To dry parsley, tie the plant stems/ together/ and hang them/ upside down/ in a warm, dark, airy place. The leaves/ should be dry/ in a week or two. After that, store them/ in a tightly closed container.