별일 없어?
Jason: Hey, what’s cooking? Anything new happening with you?
Jen: Nothing much. Just same old same old. How about you? How is everything going?
Jason: Everything is well. I’m just getting ready to start a new job next week. I’m very excited.
Jen: Congratulations!
Jason: Thanks!
Jason이 저에게 “Hey, what’s cooking? Anything new happening with you? 안녕! 잘 지내지? 뭐 새로운 소식이라도 있니?”라고 묻자 제가 “Nothing much. Just same old same old. How about you? How is everything going? 별거 없어. 항상 똑같지 뭐. 너는 어떠니?”라고 했습니다.
Jason이 “Everything is well. I’m just getting ready to start a new job next week. I’m very excited. 응, 잘 지내. 그런데 다음 주에 새 직장에 나갈 준비를 하고 있어. 덕분에 많이 들떠 있지”라고 말합니다. 이어 제가 “Congratulations! 야, 잘됐네. 축하한다!” 라고 대답했죠. Keep today’s phrase ‘What’s cooking?’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: Hey, what’s cooking? Anything new happening with you?
Jen: Nothing much. Just same old same old. How about you? How is everything going?
Jason: Everything is well. I’m just getting ready to start a new job next week. I’m very excited.
Jen: Congratulations!
Jason: Thanks!
오늘 영어표현은 What’s cooking입니다. ‘What’s cooking?’ is used to ask someone about what is happening or what someone is planning to do. It’s also used to ask someone how they are doing and if there are any interesting news that came up.
This phrase is similar to saying ‘What’s going on?, What’s new?, What’s up?, or What’s happening?’ What’s cooking? 은 ‘무슨 일이야? , 뭐 재미있는 일이라도 있니? , 별일 없어?’ 라는 뜻입니다. ‘What’s going on?, What’s new?, What’s up?, 또는 What’s happening?’ 과 비슷한 표현입니다.
Let me give you some examples. 예를 들어 볼까요? “Hey James, I just saw the fire trucks arrive in your neighborhood. What’s cooking?”이라고 하면 “제임스, 네 동네에 무슨 일 있는 거니? 소방차들이 많이 와 있던데.”라는 뜻이 됩니다.
또 다른 예를 들어 보겠습니다. “Hey long time no see. What’s cooking?”라고 하면 “야, 오래간만이다. 어떻게 지내니?”라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what it means to ‘what’s cooking?’ means right? Then we’ll listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: Hey, what’s cooking? Anything new happening with you?
Jen: Nothing much. Just same old same old. How about you? How is everything going?
Jason: Everything is well. I’m just getting ready to start a new job next week. I’m very excited.
Jen: Congratulations!
Jason: Thanks!
Let’s review. ‘What’s cooking?’ is a phrase that is used to ask someone what’s happening, what’s going on, or what's new. ‘WHAT’S COOKING?’ Now try using the phrase on your own.