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Jason: Hey, I’m selling my couch. Would you like to come and take a look at it?
Jen: Sure. How long have you used it for?
Jason: Just over two years, but it’s as good as new.

Jen: Really? It’s as good as new?
Jason: Yes! It’s in great condition. No spills or tear and wear. Come over and see!
Jen: Will do.

Jason이 저에게 “Hey, I’m selling my couch. Would you like to come and take a look at it? 우리 집에 있는 긴 의자를 팔려고 내놨는데, 먼저 와서 볼래?”라고 묻자 제가 “Sure! 물론이지. How long have you used it for? 얼마 동안 쓴 건데?”라고 물어봤습니다.

Jason이 “Just over two years, but it’s as good as new. 한 2년 썼지. 그런데 완전히 새것 같아.”라고 하자 제가 ““Really? It’s as good as new? 정말 새것 같다는 거지?”라고 했죠.

Jason이 “Yes! It’s in great condition. No spills or tear and wear. Come over and see! 그렇다니까! 상태가 아주 좋거든. 흘린 자국도 없고 찢어진 데도 없어. 닳지도 않았고 말이야. 그러니까 와서 봐.”라고 하더라고요. 제가 “Will do. 알았어.” 라고 대답합니다. Keep today’s phrase ‘as good as new’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Jason: Hey, I’m selling my couch. Would you like to come and take a look at it?
Jen: Sure. How long have you used it for?
Jason: Just over two years, but it’s as good as new.

Jen: Really? It’s as good as new?
Jason: Yes! It’s in great condition. No spills or tear and wear. Come over and see!
Jen: Will do.

오늘 영어표현은 as good as new입니다. When something is as good as new, it means that it is in very good condition, or that something has recently been repaired so that it is as good as it was then. As good as new는 ‘물건 상태가 아주 좋다, 처음 샀던 그대로다, 잘 고쳐서 원래 상태와 비슷하게 만들다’는 뜻입니다.

물건을 잘 써서 좋은 상태를 유지하게 하면 시간이 지나도 새것 같죠? 또는 망가진 물건도 잘 고치면 새것처럼 될 수도 있고요. 예를 들어서 헌 구두도 잘 수선하면 새 것처럼 보이고 새 구두 신는 것같이 기분이 아주 좋을 겁니다. 이제 예문을 들어 보겠습니다. Let me give you some examples.

“After I took my car in for a car wash, it came out to be as good as new.” 라고 하면 “차를 깨끗이 씻었더니 완전히 새 차처럼 됐어.”라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what it means to as good as new right? Then we will listen to the conversation for the last time.

Jason: Hey, I’m selling my couch. Would you like to come and take a look at it?
Jen: Sure! How long have you used it for?
Jason: Just over two years, but it’s as good as new.

Jen: Really? It’s as good as new?
Jason: Yes. It’s in great condition. No spills or tear and wear. Come over and see.
Jen: Will do.

Let’s review. If something is ‘as good as new’ it means that it’s kept in a very good condition. AS GOOD AS NEW. Now try using the phrase on your own.
