Jason: Wow look at this line up! This restaurant must be really good!
Mike: Yes this place is known for their delicious breakfast menus and they get a lot of regulars like me. Plus they’ve been around for 40 years.
Jason: No wonder. Once I try the food and if I end up liking it, I’ll probably start being a regular.
Mike: Yes, you have to.
Jason이 Mike에게 “Wow look at this line up! This restaurant must be really good! 야, 이 식당 줄 좀 봐! 음식 정말 잘하는 집인가 봐.” 라고 놀라며 말하자 Mike 가 “Yes this place is known for their delicious breakfast menus and they get a lot of regulars like me. 응, 맞아. 여기는 아침 맛있게 하기로 유명해. 그러니까 나 같은 단골손님이 많지.
Plus they’ve been around for 40 years. 게다가 40년씩이나 된 곳이거든.”이라고 하네요. Jason이 “No wonder. 아, 그래서 그렇구나. Once I try the food and if I end up liking it, I’ll probably start being a regular. 나도 한번 먹어보고 맛있다 싶으면 분명히 너처럼 단골이 될 거야!”라고 하더라고요. Keep today’s phrase ‘to be a regular’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: Wow look at this line up! This restaurant must be really good!
Mike: Yes this place is known for their delicious breakfast menus and they get a lot of regulars like me. Plus they’ve been around for 40 years.
Jason: No wonder. Once I try the food and if I end up liking it, I’ll probably start being a regular.
Mike: Yes, you have to.
오늘 영어표현은 to be a regular입니다. The word ‘regular’ can be an adjective or a noun. When the word is used as an adjective, it means ‘constant’ or ‘done frequently’. But when the word is used as a noun, you can use it to describe someone who is a consistent customer or a member.
Regular 라는 단어는 형용사로 ‘규칙적인’ ‘일정한’을 의미하는데요. 명사로는 ‘단골’이라는 뜻입니다. For example, I’m ‘a regular’ at a coffee shop in my neighborhood because I go there every morning. So all the baristas know me by name and they’ll know what I will order. 저는 매일 아침 동네에 있는 커피숍에 가는데요, 그래서 거기서 일하는 사람들은 제가 ‘a regular’ 그러니까 단골손님이라는 걸 알고 있습니다.
이름도 알고 있고요. 게다가 제가 뭘 주문할지도 알고 있죠. 저는 그 가게 단골손님이고요. 영어로는 a regular가 되는 겁니다. 이제 예를 들어 볼까요? Let me give you an example sentence. “I’ll order for us. I’m a regular here and I know what’s good.” 라고 하면 “내가 주문할게. 나는 이 집 단골이라 어떤 게 맛있는지 잘 알아.” 라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what it means to be a regular right? Then we will listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: Wow look at this line up! This restaurant must be really good!
Mike: Yes this place is known for their delicious breakfast menus and they get a lot of regulars like me. Plus they’ve been around for 40 years.
Jason: No wonder. Once I try the food and if I end up liking it, I’ll probably start being a regular.
Mike: Yes, you have to.
Let’s review. ‘To be a regular’ means to be a consistent member or customer. TO BE A REGULAR. Now try using the phrase on your own.