본론부터 말할게
Jason: What are you panicking about?
Mike: It’s a long story though but I’ll cut to the chase and tell you. I left my cell phone in the taxi and the taxi drove off.
Jason: Oh yikes!
Jason이 Mike에게 “What are you panicking about? 왜 그렇게 안절부절못하고 그래?”라고 하자 Mike가 “It’s a long story though but I’ll cut to the chase and tell you. I left my cell phone in the taxi and the taxi drove off. 얘기하자면 길지만, 요점만 말할게. 휴대전화를 택시에 두고 내렸는데 글쎄 차가 떠났지 뭐야.”라고 하네요.
이어 Jason이 “Oh yikes! 아이고, 어떡하니!”라며 안타까워하네요. Keep today’s phrase ‘cut to the chase’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: What are you panicking about?
Mike: It’s a long story though but I’ll cut to the chase and tell you. I left my cell phone in the taxi and the taxi drove off.
Jason: Oh yikes!
오늘의 표현은 cut to the chase입니다. The expression 'cut to the chase' means to focus on what is really important or to deal with the major points right away. Cut to the chase는 ‘바로 본론으로 들어가다, 사소한 것에 시간 낭비 하지 않고 중요한 점에만 집중하다’라는 뜻입니다.
이제 예를 들어 볼까요? Let me give you some examples. “Brian, just cut to the chase because I don’t have much time.” 라고 하면 “브라이언, 우선 본론부터 말하자. 시간이 별로 없어서 그래.”라는 뜻이 됩니다.
또 다른 예를 들어 보겠습니다. “Paul, that’s not important right now. Cut to the chase and let’s deal with what is really important.”라고 하면 “폴, 지금 그게 문제가 아니야. 정말 중요한 일에만 신경 쓰자고.”라는 뜻이 됩니다.
Now you know what today’s expression ‘cut to the chase’ means right? Then we will listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: What are you panicking about?
Mike: It’s a long story though but I’ll cut to the chase and tell you. I left my cell phone in the taxi and the taxi drove off.
Jason: Oh yikes!
Let’s review what we've learned today. ‘Cut to the chase’ means to focus on what is really important or to deal with the major points right away. 바로 본론으로 들어가다, 사소한 것에 시간 낭비 하지 않고 중요한 점에만 집중하다. CUT TO THE CHASE. Now try using the phrase on your own.