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Jason: Hey, my mother knows you love paintings so she wanted me to ask you if you wanted her old paintings. It’s because we are moving soon and she can’t keep all of them.
Jen: Of course! Are they the paintings your mom painted many years ago?

Jason: Yes, it’s the ones she painted many moons ago. I think it was about 40 years ago. You’ll like it very much.
Jen: Awesome. Thanks.

Jason이 저에게 “Hey, my mother knows you love paintings so she wanted me to ask you if you wanted her old paintings. 야, 우리 어머니께서 너 그림 무척 좋아한다고 하시면서 우리 집에 있는 오래된 그림 갖고 싶은지 물어보라고 하셨어. It’s because we are moving soon and she can’t keep all of them.이사 할 때 다 못 갖고 가시겠다는 거야.”라고 하자

제가 “Of course! Are they the paintings your mom painted many years ago? 응, 나야 좋지. 어머니께서 옛날에 그리신 거니?”라고 묻습니다.

이어 Jason이 “Yes, it’s the ones she painted many moons ago. I think it was about 40 years ago. 응, 맞아. 오래전에 그리셨던 그림들이야. 한 40년쯤 됐어. You’ll like it very much. 네 마음에 쏙 들 거야.”라고 하네요.

Keep today’s phrase ‘many moons ago’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Jason: Hey, my mother knows you love paintings so she wanted me to ask you if you wanted her old paintings. It’s because we are moving soon and she can’t keep all of them.
Jen: Of course! Are they the paintings your mom painted many years ago?

Jason: Yes, it’s the ones she painted many moons ago. I think it was about 40 years ago. You’ll like it very much.
Jen: Awesome. Thanks.

오늘의 영어표현은 many moons ago입니다. Many moons ago means a long time ago, or many years ago. The phrase many moons ago refers to the passing of time as in passing of days and nights. 달이 초승달 상현달 보름달 하현달 그믐달로 순서로 모양이 변하는 걸 위상 변화라고 하죠. 이 과정은 29.5일 그러니까 한 달 정도가 걸립니다.

달력이 없던 옛날 사람들은 이걸 보고 한 달이 간 걸 알았다고 하는데요. 여기서 나온 표현이 바로 many moons ago입니다. 달의 모습이 여러 번 바뀌었으니까 오랜 세월이 갔다는 걸 뜻한다는 거죠.

여기서 moons는 months, 다시 말해 여러 달을 말하는 거고요. 결국 낮과 밤이 계속 바뀌면서 끊임 없이 세월이 가는 걸 말하는 겁니다. 한국 말의 날이 가고 달이 가고 해가 가는 동안이라는 표현을 생각하시면 이해하시기 쉬울 겁니다.

특히 누군가의 젊은 시절에 관해 말할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현입니다. Now you know what many moons ago means right? Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Jason: Hey, my mother knows you love paintings so she wanted me to ask you if you wanted her old paintings. It’s because we are moving soon and she can’t keep all of them.
Jen: Of course! Are they the paintings your mom painted many years ago?

Jason: Yes, it’s the ones she painted many moons ago. I think it was about 40 years ago. You’ll like it very much.
Jen: Awesome. Thanks.

Let’s review. ‘Many moons ago’ means very long time ago. MANY MOONS AGO. Try using this phrase on your own.
