학급의 익살꾼
Jason: Hey, do you remember Charles from high school?
Mike: Oh yes, of course! He was the class clown in our 10th grade class.
Jason: Yes, he was the class clown. Well, we’re hanging out next weekend since it’s been years since we caught up. Come join us if you can.
Mike: Sure!
본문에서 Jason이 Mike 에게 “Hey, do you remember Charles from high school? 너 혹시 Charles 기억하니? 우리랑 같은 고등학교 다녔잖아.” 라고 묻자 Mike 가 “Oh yes, of course! He was the class clown in our 10th grade class. 응, 당연히 알지. 10학년 때 아주 재미있던 친구였잖아.”라고 하네요.
이어 Jason 이 “Yes, he was the class clown. 맞아, 오락부장이었지. Well, we’re hanging out next weekend since it’s been years since we caught up. Come join us if you can. 걔 본 지가 꽤 오래돼서 다음 주에 같이 만나려고 하는데 너도 올 수 있으면 와라.”라고 합니다.
Now keep today’s expression ‘class clown’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: Hey, do you remember Charles from high school?
Mike: Oh yes, of course! He was the class clown in our 10th grade class.
Jason: Yes, he was the class clown. Well, we’re hanging out next weekend since it’s been years since we caught up. Come join us if you can.
Mike: Sure!
Today’s expression is class clown. A class clown is an expression that is used in the class. It’s used to describe a student who frequently makes jokes or pokes fun in the class. Class clowns like to act silly and make everyone laugh during class.
학교 다닐 때 보면 수업 중에 남들을 재미있게 하는 아이들이 꼭 한두 명은 있죠. 이런 친구들을 class clown이라고 합니다. 학급의 익살꾼이죠. 오락부장 역할도 도맡아 하고요. 오늘 본문에서 Jason이 Mike에게 Charles을 기억하느냐고 묻자 Mike가 “Oh yes, of course! He was the class clown in our 10th grade class. 응, 당연하지. 그 친구는 10학년 때 오락부장이었잖아.”라고 합니다.
이렇게 재미있게 익살을 잘 떨며 분위기를 띄우는 사람을 말할 때 쓰는 표현이 바로 ‘class clown’입니다. 자, 이제 class clown의 실제 활용 예를 들어보겠습니다. “Justin is our class clown.” 이라고 하면 “저스틴은 우리 반의 익살꾼이야.” 라는 뜻이 됩니다.
예문 하나 더요. “Who do you think is the class clown in our class?” 라고 하면 “우리 반을 재미있게 해주는 애가 누구라고 생각하니?”라는 뜻입니다. Now you know what today’s expression means right? Then we will listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: Hey, do you remember Charles from high school?
Mike: Oh yes, of course! He was the class clown in our 10th grade class.
Jason: Yes, he was the class clown. Well, we’re hanging out next weekend since it’s been years since we caught up. Come join us if you can.
Mike: Sure!
Let’s review. A class clown is a student who frequently makes jokes or pokes fun in the class. CLASS CLOWN. Now try using this expression on your own.