세상 참 좁다!
Mike: Guess what! I ran into Lisa at the baseball game yesterday.
Jason: Which Lisa?
Mike: Lisa Wallace from our elementary school. She’s now married with two kids.
Jason: Wow! It’s a small world!
Mike: Yeah, I’d never thought I’d run into her there - what a small world.
본문에서 Mike가 “Guess what! I ran into Lisa at the baseball game yesterday. 있잖아, 어제 야구 보러 갔다가 우연히 리사 만났다.”라고 하자 Jason이 “Which Lisa? 어느 리사 말하는 거야?”라고 하네요.
Mike가 “Lisa Wallace from our elementary school. 우리랑 같이 초등학교 다녔던 리사 월래스 말이야. She’s now married with two kids. 결혼도 했고 아이들도 두 명이래.”라고 하자 Jason이 “Wow! It’s a small world! 와, 세상 참 좁다!”라고 하네요.
이어 Mike가 “Yeah, I’d never thought I’d run into her there - what a small world. 응, 맞아. 리사와 마주칠 거라곤 생각해 본 적도 없어. 참, 세상 좁아.”라고 말합니다. Now keep today’s expression, ‘It’s a small world’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Mike: Guess what! I ran into Lisa at the baseball game yesterday.
Jason: Which Lisa?
Mike: Lisa Wallace from our elementary school. She’s now married with two kids.
Jason: Wow! It’s a small world!
Mike: Yeah, I’d never thought I’d run into her there - what a small world.
오늘의 표현은 It’s a small world 입니다. When you find out that someone you know knows someone else you know, you can say that it’s a small world. Also, when you encounter the same people or events in unexpected places, you can say, “It’s a small world!”
It’s a small world는 문자 그대로 하면 ‘작은 세계다’라는 말이죠. 즉 ‘세상이 참 좁다.’ 라는 뜻입니다. 어디 갔다가 생각지도 않은 사람을 우연히 만날 때 주로 쓰는 말이죠. 영어로 “Wow! It’s a small world!” 또는 “What a small world!” 라고 말할 수 있습니다.
오늘 본문에서 Mike가 야구장에서 초등학교를 같이 다녔던 친구를 만났다고 하자 Jason이 “와, 세상 참 좁다!” 라고 했죠. “Wow! It’s a small world!”라고요.
그럼 예문을 통해 오늘 표현에 대해 더 자세히 알아보겠습니다. “I ran into Tina at the airport. What a small world!”라고 하면 “공항에서 우연히 티나를 만났어. 세상은 참 좁다.”라는 뜻이 됩니다. 이 표현 잘 기억하시고요. 오늘의 대화를 마지막으로 들어보겠습니다. Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.
Mike: Guess what! I ran into Lisa at the baseball game yesterday.
Jason: Which Lisa?
Mike: Lisa Wallace from our elementary school. She’s now married with two kids.
Jason: Wow! It’s a small world!
Mike: Yeah, I’d never thought I’d run into her there - what a small world.
Let’s review. ‘It’s a small world’ is an expression that you use when you encounter the same people or events in unexpected places. IT’S A SMALL WORLD.