물 밖에 난 고기
Jason: Hey, how is your uncle adjusting to living in New York City? I know that it’s more busy and congested than where he used to live.
Jen: After living in the countryside for most of his life, Uncle Richard is a fish out of water in New York City.
Jason: I see. Hopefully he’ll get adjusted to the city soon.
본문에서 Jason이 제게 “Hey, how is your uncle adjusting to living in New York City? 네 삼촌께서는 뉴욕 시티에 잘 적응하고 계시니? I know that it’s more busy and congested than where he used to live. 전에 사셨던 데 보다 훨씬 복잡하고 붐비는 곳이잖아.”라고 하자 제가 “After living in the countryside for most of his life, Uncle Richard is a fish out of water in New York City. 우리 삼촌은 오랫동안 시골에서 사셔서 그런지 뉴욕을 많이 불편하고 어색해 하셔.”라고 했습니다.
이어 Jason이 “빨리 적응하셨으면 좋겠다.”라고 하네요. Now keep today’s expression ‘A fish out of water’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: Hey, how is your uncle adjusting to living in New York City? I know that it’s more busy and congested than where he used to live.
Jen: After living in the countryside for most of his life, Uncle Richard is a fish out of water in New York City.
Jason: I see. Hopefully he’ll get adjusted to the city soon.
오늘의 표현은 A fish out of water입니다. So when you are in a completely unsuitable or uncomfortable environment or situation, you are considered to be a fish out of water. A fish out of water는 ‘물 밖에 있는 물고기’라는 말이죠. 이 표현은 마치 물에 살아야 할 물고기가 밖으로 나온 것처럼 사람이 낯설거나 불편한 상황에 놓인 걸 말하는 거죠.
오늘 본문에 나오는 저의 삼촌처럼 오랫동안 조용한 시골에서 살다가 붐비는 도시인 뉴욕에서 살게 된 것처럼이요. “...Uncle Richard is a fish out of water in New York City.” 우리 삼촌은 오랫동안 시골에서 사셔서 그런지 뉴욕을 많이 불편하고 어색해 하셔. 라는 문장이었죠.
Now let me give you an example sentence using today’s expression. 오늘 표현과 관련된 예문입니다. “I am really good at playing basketball, but I am a fish out of water when I try to play tennis.”라고 하면 “나는 농구는 정말 잘하는데 테니스라면 영 맥을 못 춰.”라는 뜻이 됩니다.
이 표현 잘 기억하시고요. 오늘의 대화를 마지막으로 들어보겠습니다. Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: Hey, how is your uncle adjusting to living in New York City? I know that it’s more busy and congested than where he used to live.
Jen: After living in the countryside for most of his life, Uncle Richard is a fish out of water in New York City.
Jason: I see. Hopefully he’ll get adjusted to the city soon.
Let’s review. A fish out of water is someone who is uncomfortable or unsuitable in a situation or environment. A FISH OUT OF WATER. Now try using this fun expression on your own.