잘돼 가고 있어
Jason: Long time no see! How is everything?
Alice: Everything’s coming up roses this year. I opened up my own business and it’s doing so well! Plus my husband and I are expecting our first child!
Jason: Wow, congratulations! It looks like everything’s coming up roses for you and your family.
Alice: Yeah it is. Thanks so much!
본문에서 Jason과 Alice는 오랜만에 만났나 봅니다. Jason이 “Long time no see! How is everything? 정말 오랜만이야! 어떻게 지냈어?”라고 묻자, Alice가 “Everything’s coming up roses this year. 모든 일이 잘돼 가고 있어. I opened up my own business and it’s doing so well. Plus my husband and I are expecting our first child! 새로 연 사업도 잘되고, 나는 첫 아이를 임신했어!”라고 답합니다.
이어 Jason이 “Wow, congratulations! It looks like everything’s coming up roses for you and your family. 와, 축하해! 너와 가족을 위해 모든 일이 잘돼고 있구나.”라고 하자 Alice는 “Yeah it is. Thanks so much! 응, 그래. 정말 고마워!”라고 감사의 말을 전합니다.
Now keep today’s expression ‘everything’s coming up roses’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jason: Long time no see! How is everything?
Alice: Everything’s coming up roses this year. I opened up my own business and it’s doing so well! Plus my husband and I are expecting our first child!
Jason: Wow, congratulations! It looks like everything’s coming up roses for you and your family.
Alice: Yeah it is. Thanks so much!
Today’s expression is everything’s coming up roses. When everything is coming up roses for you, everything around you is excellent and successful. 한국에서도 앞으로 전망이 좋을 때 ‘장밋빛’이라는 표현을 쓰죠? 영어에서 everything’s coming up roses라는 표현도 모든 일이 장미꽃이 피어나는 것처럼 좋은 상태, 즉 ‘모든 일이 잘 풀린다’라는 뜻입니다.
오늘 본문에서는 Alice 가 새로운 사업도 잘되고 첫 아이를 임신했다며, 모든 일이 잘 풀리고 있다고 말합니다. “Everything’s coming up roses this year.” 라고요. 이처럼 좋은 일이 계속 될 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 ‘everything’s coming up roses’입니다.
Now let me give you an example sentence. “I finally bought my first home and I landed my dream job. I’m very thankful that everything’s coming up roses for me!” “난 드디어 첫 집을 장만하고, 원하던 직장도 얻었어. 모든 것이 잘돼서 정말 감사해!”라는 뜻입니다. 오늘의 대화를 마지막으로 들어보겠습니다. Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jason: Long time no see! How is everything?
Alice: Everything’s coming up roses this year. I opened up my own business and it’s doing so well! Plus my husband and I are expecting our first child!
Jason: Wow, congratulations! It looks like everything’s coming up roses for you and your family.
Alice: Yeah it is. Thanks so much!
Let’s review. When everything’s coming up roses for you, it means that everything around you is excellent and successful. EVERYTHING’S COMING UP ROSES.