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Jen: Hey! You should apply for the teaching position at the new elementary school. I think you’re cut out for that job because you’ve taught children before.
Alice: You’re right. I would be cut out for teaching! Thanks for letting me know.

오늘 본문에서 제가 Alice에게 “Hey! You should apply for the teaching position at the new elementary school. I think you’re cut out for that job because you’ve taught children before. 새로 생긴 초등학교 교사로 지원해 봐. 넌 전에 아이들을 가르쳤었으니까, 꼭 맞는 일일 거야”라고 권유합니다.

그러자 Alice는 “You’re right. I would be cut out for teaching children! Thanks for letting me know. 맞아. 난 아이들 가르치는 데 적임자야. 알려줘서 고마워.”라고 합니다.

Now keep today’s expression ‘cut out for something’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Jen: Hey! You should apply for the teaching position at the new elementary school. I think you’re cut out for that job because you’ve taught children before.
Alice: You’re right. I would be cut out for teaching! Thanks for letting me know.

Today’s phrase is cut out for something. If you are cut out for something, you are suited for something. Cut out for something은 무엇에 ‘적합하다’, ‘자격이 있다’, ‘타고 났다’, ‘무엇에 기질이 있다’ 또는 ‘적임자다’라는 뜻으로 쓰입니다. 주로 직업과 관련된 표현이니까 잘 알아두세요.

오늘 본문에서 저는 Alice에게 새로운 초등학교 교사로 지원해보라며, 전에도 아이들을 가르쳤으니까 적임자일 거라고 말합니다.

“I think you’re cut out for that job because you’ve taught children before.”라고요. 이렇게 누군가가 무엇에 자격이 있거나 적합한 인물일 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 바로 ‘cut out for something’입니다.

Now let me give you some example sentences using today’s phrase. “I really think Jonathan is cut out for soccer.”라는 문장을 해석하면 “내가 보기에 Jonathan은 축구의 재능을 타고났어.” 라는 뜻입니다.

Here is another example. “To be honest, I’m not cut out for this.”는 “솔직히 말해서, 난 자질이 없어” 로 해석할 수 있습니다.

Here is the last example. “Tommy is cut out to be a teacher.”는 “Tommy 는 교사로 적임자다”라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Jen: Hey! You should apply for the teaching position at the new elementary school. I think you’re cut out for that job because you’ve taught children before.
Alice: You’re right. I would be cut out for teaching! Thanks for letting me know.

Let’s review. If you are cut out for something, you are well suited for something. CUT OUT FOR SOMETHING.
