간단히 말해서
Jen: So were you able to resolve the issue with Lisa?
Jason: It was complicated but to make a long story short, I resolved the issue with Lisa.
Jen: That’s good to hear.
본문에서 저는 Jason에게 Lisa와의 문제는 해결했냐고 묻습니다. 이어서 Jason은 “It was complicated but to make a long story short, I resolved the issue with Lisa. 좀 복잡했지만, 짧게 말하자면 잘 해결했어.” 라고 대답합니다.
Now keep today’s expression ‘(to make) a long story short’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?
Jen: So were you able to resolve the issue with Lisa?
Jason: It was complicated but to make a long story short, I resolved the issue with Lisa.
Jen: That’s good to hear.
Today’s expression is (to make) a long story short. To make a long story short simply means to come to the point and to leave out details.
To make a long story short는 ‘간단히 말해서’, ‘짧게 말하자면’이라는 뜻입니다. 길고 복잡한 내용을 일일이 다 설명하지 않고 줄여서 말할 때 쓰는 표현이라는 걸 잘 알아두세요.
본문에서 Jason이 다 설명하자면 길지만 간단히 말해서 Lisa랑 문제를 잘 해결했다고 합니다. 영어로 “It was complicated but to make a long story short, I resolved the issue with Lisa.”라고요. 이렇게, 긴 내용을 간단히 줄여서 전할 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 ‘make a long story short’ 입니다.
Now let me give you some example sentences using today’s expression. “To make a long story short, my date with Tom wasn’t fun.”는 “간단히 말해서, Tom 과의 데이트는 재미 없었어.” 라고 해석할 수 있습니다.
Here is another example. “So, long story short, I passed the test.”라는 문장을 해석하면 “한마디로 말해서, 나 시험 합격했어.” 라는 뜻입니다.
Now that you know what today’s expression ‘(to make) a long story short' means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.
Jen: So were you able to resolve the issue with Lisa?
Jason: It was complicated but to make a long story short, I resolved the issue with Lisa.
Jen: That’s good to hear.
Let’s review. ‘(To make) a long story short’ simply means to come to the point and to leave out details. To make a long story short는 ‘간단히 말해서’, ‘짧게 말하자면’이라는 뜻입니다. 길고 복잡한 내용을 일일이 다 설명하지 않고 줄여서 말할 때 쓰는 표현이라는 걸 잘 알아두세요. TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT.