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패션 디자인
While designers and their models can make high fashion seem effortless on the showroom runways, success in the global fashion industry also depends on practical skills and hard work.

늘어나는 독신 여성
Married couples no longer make up the majority of households in America. For the first time in the history of the United States, except during periods of war, more women are living independently.

Just five or six years ago, people were talking about a donut as a symbol of the New South! Not the gleaming skyline of Atlanta, Georgia, or the laboratories in North Carolina's Research Triangle.

음악을 들으면
The Chinese philosopher Confucious was reported to have said, "Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without."

애니메이션 팬
Otaku are obsessive fans of comic books, called manga, and cartoon animations, called anime. Japan's biggest-selling manga comic, "Shonen Jump," sells millions of copies each week.

100년 전
Each New Year you see a lot of historical comparisons, detailing amazing changes in the American way of life from 50 or 100 years ago.

뉴욕 전철 7호선
On its 10-kilometer journey from Times Square, the heart of Manhattan, to the Flushing neighborhood of Queens, the Number Seven train passes by the businesses and establishments of many cultures in about an hour.

뇌도 운동이 필요해
Immediately after training, individuals who were trained on memory or individuals who were trained on reasoning or speed showed significantly higher performance than those who received no training.

패스트푸드점에서 운동까지
Those who choose the drive-through lanes don't even have to walk to the counter to get their fattening hamburgers, deep-fried chicken, sugary sodas, and donuts.

글씨가 사라지는 종이
A favorite espionage tool, at least in the movies, is invisible ink. A spy writes a message that can't be seen by the naked eye, but which magically appears when another operative applies a chemical spray or fumes.