대학 진학 가이드
Many teenagers returning to high school or secondary school this year have started making plans to go to college. But the college application process is so tedious and complex that many other teens will ignore the whole process.
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Sometimes hugging a tree isn't enough. That's when "Ponderosa" Harv comes to the rescue. "Okay, so let's pretend you're a tree..." Harv Teitelbaum raises his arms high...
Fifty years ago, the United States became the first country to produce industrial robots. Today, these mechanical marvels have marched into many other areas of our lives.
아이 잘 키우기
Parents want their kids to be happy and successful. But some parents want their children to be more. They become controlling and hyperactive, trying to raise perfect kids...
인삼 전쟁
In the 1980s, Wisconsin reigned as the world's ginseng capital. Herbal medicine buffs prized the state's 'man roots' for their potency, and farmers raked in an average of $125 million a year.
죽기전에 가볼 1000 곳
Memorial Day traditionally marks the start of the summer vacation season in the United States. A lot of American travelers may be setting off with a renewed sense of purpose this year, thanks to a best-selling book with a lofty goal.
여가시간 부족
A new report says the average number of hours spent at work seems to be shrinking in most developing countries. But as more and more businesses stay open around the clock, a growing number of Americans are working longer hours.
Pop-culture fads come and go. Experts say they have different shapes and sizes. Yet, they are quite similar in their life cycle. They catch on fast, then quickly fade away.
일하는 엄마들
Nearly three-quarters of all mothers in the United States today work full or part-time. They all face the challenges of juggling motherhood and work. And they've come up with some innovative solutions for successfully combining a family and a career.
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By the time they reach midlife, people expect to have accomplished most of their career goals and be considering activities to pursue in their retirement.