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피는 물보다 진하다?
Today, we will talk about an idiom that people not only use the wrong way, but the original meaning -- the very first usage -- is actually opposite from how we use it today.

경력 관리 : 전문직, 일반직
When trying to make a successful career, which is better: being a generalist or a specialist?

재미있는 손씻기
One of the easiest ways to stop the spread of disease is to simply wash your hands. Twenty seconds of handwashing with soap and water can reduce illnesses and save lives.

안면 인식 장애
For some people, remembering a face can be difficult. You may have to meet them several times before they can recognize you.

지구 내부 지도
Scientists in Australia want to build what they describe as a “downward looking telescope” to look for mineral wealth under the Earth’s surface.

커피와 차
Now, many people are loyal coffee drinkers. They cannot imagine starting their morning without -- what some call -- a hot “Cup of Joe.” Some people hate coffee and prefer to drink tea.

얼굴 인식
Some people claim they “never forget a face.” But what does that saying mean? Is there really no limit to the number of faces a person can remember?

Fishing is a popular outdoor activity you can do in lots of different places. You can go ice fishing, deep sea fishing, or fly fishing in a river, to name a few examples.

비와 구름
I'm sure that most of you have heard the expression "raining cats and dogs." We use it when it is raining very, very hard. In other words, when it is pouring!

이스탄불의 그래피티
Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, is witnessing an explosion of graffiti art.