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바다에서 6개월간 표류
Two women landed in Japan Monday after their rescue from a damaged sailboat floating aimlessly in the Pacific Ocean.

까마귀를 먹다?
Okay, nobody likes to be wrong. But when it turns out that we are, in fact, wrong, the best thing to do is admit it.

Baby talk. It is how many adults speak to babies: slowly, using shorter sentences, talking at a higher pitch, and putting more emphasis on certain vowels.

타지 마할
India's most famous attraction, the Taj Mahal, is under attack by some members of the country's ruling party.

The word “clothes” is only part of a much larger story. American English has many more specific -- and more colorful -- terms related to these everyday items.

접근을 막다
To keep something at bay means being unable to move closer while attacking or moving toward someone or something.

Have you ever heard of a paw paw? If not, do not feel bad. Most Americans do not know of the fruit, although it is native to the United States.

성공한 사람의 5가지 습관
Having success and being able to meet one’s goals requires knowledge, a sense of direction, hard work and resources.

후각 기술
Would you buy a car that released calming smells into the air when you are stuck in heavy traffic? Would you buy a robot that smells like a human being?

스마트폰 중독
About half of teenagers in the United States and Japan say they are “addicted” to their smartphones.