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마음챙김 훈련
A small experiment shows that mindfulness training exercises may help people who drink large amounts of alcohol.

Hurricanes are the most powerful storms in the Earth’s atmosphere. The storms have different names depending on where they take place.

물부족 해결
Yet more than 700 million people worldwide have trouble getting clean, safe water. That number comes from the Water Project, a non-profit group.

너무 마른 패션 모델 퇴출
Two of the world's biggest luxury goods companies will stop working with fashion models that are too thin.

Something happens to many children when they are out of school over the summer months. It is called the “summer slide.” This may sound like a ride at a water park. But it’s not.

셀피를 찍는 이유
Why do people take “selfies?” Researchers at Syracuse University in New York tried to answer that question. They came up with some surprising answers.

몸짓 언어
We communicate most commonly, of course, with our words. But we also speak with our bodies. We call it body language.

약물 과다복용
More than two million Americans have some sort of physical dependence on opioids. Opioids are a type of painkiller that are legally prescribed to many people.

푸른 꽃게
What have ten legs, two of them large claws, a hard shell cover, and live in oceans, fresh water, and on land? Crabs, of course!

분쟁의 원인
Has there ever been one issue that has caused trouble between you and another person? You know, a troublesome issue in your relationship, one that does not seem to go away?