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와인 양조
He sees it as a combination of science and art. From watching the weather and checking the soil, to testing grapes for sugar levels and acidity and then deciding when to harvest.

영작 패턴
Eli Hinkel, a professor at Seattle Pacific University, says that English learners need to learn to recognize patterns in the English language.


Dreams are the visions we have when we are asleep. But the word “dream” fills the expressions we use when we are awake.

셀프비디오로 영어발음 개선
English learners can improve their pronunciation skills with training exercises used by singers. A smartphone with a camera can help, too.

햇빛 비타민
We should all let the sunshine in as much as possible -- and not just because it makes us feel good. Exposure to sunlight produces vitamin D in our skin.

개인 비행
California-based JetPack Aviation recently demonstrated its flying device to the public. It looks simple enough that almost anyone could use it to fly around.

바디 페인팅
Her canvas is the human body on which she paints beautiful images. Zhe is also owner of Athena Entertainment. The company provides performances and performers for all kinds of parties and other events.

기계 번역기
Some machines can take something written in one language and give users the same or similar wording in another language.

To prove that there is a celebration for just about everything, October 1 officially marked National Kale Day in the United States.

Garlic is one of the most common cooking ingredients around the world. Many dishes in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas use this strong-flavored vegetable.