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디지털 시대의 대학 도서관
Many U.S. colleges and universities are making big changes to their libraries. The schools are finding ways to serve students and to succeed in an increasingly digital world.

설탕 음료는 줄여야
A new study shows that replacing one sugary drink a day with water can help a person lose weight and improve their health.

클라우드 전쟁
Chinese companies have begun competing with Western companies in the cloud computing and data storage market. The “cloud war” is taking place as the dispute between the United States and China about data hacking and computer network security grows stronger.

어른을 위한 색칠하기 그림책
Coloring is an activity that children worldwide have long enjoyed. With a picture already made for them, kids simply choose a crayon, pencil or marker of their favorite color and fill it in.

Wolves are important animals in the traditions and stories of most Native American tribes. To Native Americans, wolves often represent bravery. The animals also are signs of strength, loyalty, and success at hunting.

양자 위성
China has launched the first satellite using quantum technology to send communications back to earth. Quantum technology will make these communications safe from hackers.

식물성 단백질 섭취
The average American eats a lot of red meat, such as beef and meat from other mammals. Meat-eaters often note that red meat has a lot of protein, which helps repair muscles and build bones.

영어 셀프 테스트
English learners can improve their ability to remember and use new words by testing themselves. This idea comes from Sarah Lynn, an educational consultant and teacher at Harvard University's Bridge Program.

앉아 있는 시간이 많다면
If you sit for many hours a day in a traditional office job, you may be interested in a new study. This study suggests that you should get an hour of “brisk exercise” every day.

Take의 쓰임
Sometimes we talk about a very simple term -- like the word “take.” But "take" is not as simple as it sounds. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary calls it one of the “elemental words of the English language.”