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스마트 밴드
Simple bandages are easy to use. They cover and protect wounds, giving them time to heal. Now scientists say they are developing new kinds of bandages. They have begun adding small sensors to bandages. making them more sensitive.

과잉 보호
"Helicopter parenting" describes a style of raising children where parents are over-protective and do too much.

부상하는 세계의 명소 10
The travel website TripAdvisor used traveler reviews to choose its top 10 World Destinations on the Rise. The list represents 10 cities that saw the biggest increase in positive traveler reviews in the past year.

페루 마추피추
A “bucket list” is a list of things you want to do before you die. The term “bucket list” comes from an old English expression “kick the bucket.” This idiom is lighthearted way of talking about death.

공개 연설
Students in American schools learn from an early age to give presentations as part of their regular classroom activities. Children as young as five years old often give brief talks about objects they bring in to school - called “show and tell,” this training is a basis for later public speaking.

Willpower is a mysterious force that helps us to control our actions and achieve our goals. We also call willpower determination, drive and self-control.

터치의 힘
What is your first language? French? Chinese? Russian? Or English? How about none of the above? The first language of all humans is touch.

Winters in parts of the United States can be cold and, at times, snowy. Sometimes violent storms with high winds combine with low temperatures to produce heavy snowfall. This creates blizzard conditions.

로마의 화장실
Around 2000 years ago, the Romans moved into Europe. They built public latrines, or toilets, with many seats and washing areas. And they built sewerage systems, brought in drinking water from aqueducts, and heated public baths for washing.

위험과 자극적인 일로 가득찬 생활
It can be said that the United States is a driving culture. The U.S., after all, is a big country and many Americans love cars. So, it is no surprise that many American English expressions come from the world of driving.