꾹 참다

You know, we have some phrases that sound a little painful like this one: “I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue.” This does not sound good…like it might hurt.
오늘의 영어 표현은 to bite one’s tongue 입니다. 그럼 본문을 한 번 들어보시겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요.
Jen: What did you think about that meeting? Wasn’t it so long?
Mike: Yes it was long~! I was going to say something about that, but I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue.
Jen: Oh, you would, you would.
제가 Mike 에게 ‘What did you think about that meeting? Wasn’t it so long? 회의가 생각 보다 너무 길지 않았니?’라고 하니까 Mike 는 ‘Yes, it was long~! 맞아! 너무 길었어! I was going to say something about that. 회의 중에 내가 뭐라고 하고 싶었는데. but I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue. 그냥 꾹 참고 한 마디도 안 했지 뭐.’라고 하더라고요.
Now, let’s listen to a portion of today’s conversation.
Mike: … but I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue.
Jen: Oh, you would, you would.
오늘의 영어 표현 ‘to bite one’s tongue’ 인데요, 말 그대로 하면 혀를 깨물다라는 말입니다. 만일 모르고 혀를 깨물면 정말 아프잖아요, 그죠? 그리고 또 혀를 깨물면 하고 싶은 말도 제대로 못하고. 그래서 ‘to bite one’s tongue’ 은 ‘하고 싶은 말을 꾹 참다. 이를 악물고 참다’는 뜻입니다.
In American English, if I say that I’m going to bite my tongue, it means that I won’t say anything and that I'll keep quiet.
Well, here are some other ways this phrase can be used.
그녀는 심한 말이 튀어 나오는 걸 꾹 참았다.
She bit her tongue to stop the rush of bitter words.
그녀는 심한 말이 튀어 나오는 걸 꾹 참았다.
오늘의 영어 표현 to bite one’s tongue 꼭 기억해두시고요, 그럼 여기서 오늘의 대화를 다시 한 번 들어보시겠습니다.
Jen: What did you think about that meeting? Wasn’t it so long?
Mike: Yes it was long~! I was going to say something about that, but I just decided to sit through the meeting and bite my tongue.
Jen: Oh, you would, you would.
Today's phrase: to bite one’s tongue. To keep quiet and to not say anything. 하고 싶은 말을 꾹 참다. 이를 악물고 참다. To bite one’s tongue.