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벌컥 화내다

Jen: Hey, Alice! How was the baseball game last night? It was a company outing right?
Alice: Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium.
Jen: Why? What happened?

Alice: Well, I was in charge of bringing the baseball tickets for everyone, but sadly I left it on my office desk.
Jen: Oh my! I would have flipped out too!

본문에서 제가 “How was the baseball game last night? It was a company outing right? 어제 야구 경기 어땠니? 회사에서 단체 관람 간 거였지?” 라고 묻자 Alice가 “Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium. 응, 맞아. 그런데 야구장에 도착하자마자 내가 화가 날 정도로 흥분했지 뭐야.”라고 하네요.

이어 제가 “Why? What happened? 왜, 무슨 일이라도 있었니?”라고 하자 Alice가 “Well, I was in charge of bringing the baseball tickets for everyone, but sadly I left it on my office desk. 글쎄, 내가 책임지고 관람권을 가져오기로 했는데, 그걸 사무실 책상에 다 놔두고 온 거야.”라고 하네요.

제가 “Oh my! I would have flipped out too! 이런! 나도 너라면 놀라서 뒤로 넘어졌을 거야.”라고 했습니다. Now keep today’s expression ‘to flip out’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Jen: Hey, Alice! How was the baseball game last night? It was a company outing right?
Alice: Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium.
Jen: Why? What happened?

Alice: Well, I was in charge of bringing the baseball tickets for everyone, but sadly I left it on my office desk.
Jen: Oh my! I would have flipped out too!

Today’s expression is flip out. To flip out means to suddenly get upset, crazy, frightened or excited. To flip out은 화를 벌컥 내다, 흥분하다, 강하게 반응하다, 기쁘거나 놀랍게 반응하다라는 뜻입니다. 아주 좋아서 흥분하다, 열광하다라는 의미도 있고요. 그리고 ‘to flip someone out’은 누군가를 진짜 화나게 하다라는 표현이라는 거 꼭 기억하시기 바랍니다.

오늘 본문에서 Alice가 야구관람권을 안 챙겨 와서 무척 화가 났다고 했습니다. “Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium.” 라고요. 그럼 예문을 들어 볼까요? “Thomas flipped out in front of everyone.”이라고 하면 “토마스는 사람들 앞에서 갑자기 화를 냈다.” 라는 뜻이 됩니다.

또 다른 예문을 들어 볼까요? “Richard flipped out when he got the latest smartphone for his birthday.” 라고 하면 “리처드는 생일 선물로 최신식 스마트폰을 받고 뛸 듯이 기뻐했다.”라는 뜻이 됩니다. Now you know what today's expression means, right? Then let's listen to the conversation for the last time.

Jen: Hey, Alice! How was the baseball game last night? It was a company outing right?
Alice: Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium.
Jen: Why? What happened?

Alice: Well, I was in charge of bringing the baseball tickets for everyone, but sadly I left it on my office desk.
Jen: Oh my! I would have flipped out too!

Let’s review. To flip out means to suddenly get upset, crazy, frightened or excited. TO FLIP OUT.
