속아 넘어가다
I can’t believe this! What’s wrong? I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer.
아주 간결하게
Hey, what’s wrong with your car? The engine is not starting. The explanation is long and complicated, but let me put it in a nutshell for you.
마음 놓고 해도 괜찮아
Oh man! My cell phone just ran out of battery. Can I use your cell phone to make a call?
믿거나 말거나
Hey look! That old man is so good at push-ups. I think he’s doing more than fifty already! Oh, you mean that elderly man over there? Everyone knows about him.
감을 잡다
Oh man, this computer software is a little complicated to use. I know, it was the same for me too, but don’t worry.
정신 바짝 차려
Oh no! I can’t believe I left my cell phone at home! Now I won’t be able to make important calls and I will probably miss calls from the office.
아주 싫어하는 것
Why are you coming in holding your nose like that? It’s because there are people right outside the entrance of this building just smoking away.
이마를 맞대고 상의하다
I give up! All the solutions I’ve come up with are not working. Hey, don’t give up! Kyle and I will help you.
난 빈털터리야
Hey, a few of my friends are planning a trip to Hawaii next summer. Do you want to join us? I’d love to but I can’t. I’m broke.
무료 서비스입니다
You won’t believe what just happened. Jen: What happened? Jason: The restaurant manager said that our dinner was on the house!