아직 위기에서 벗어나지 못했어
Hey Jason, what’s the score for the basketball game? Well, the home team is still losing by 15 points.
손바닥도 마주쳐야 소리가 난다
Hey Jason, why don’t’ you get along with Tina? Because she is always starting arguments with me. That makes it very hard to get along with her!
물 밖에 난 고기
Hey, how is your uncle adjusting to living in New York City? I know that it’s more busy and congested than where he used to live.
사람이 매우 까다로워
Did you get a chance to review my presentation? How does it look? Yes, I did. It looks great to me, but keep in mind that our new boss is very picky so double check that you have exactly what he wants.
아슬아슬한 짓을 하다
I don’t think I can make it to the soccer game tomorrow. Again? You’ve already missed three games though. If you don’t tell Coach Johnson today, you could be skating on thin ice with him and he might cut you from the team.
어떻게 견디고 있니?
I’m sorry to hear that your grandfather passed away yesterday. How are you holding up? It’s tough but I’m doing okay. I’m more concerned about my parents. They are having a tough time holding up.
감사의 표시
Here, take this gift. What’s this for? It’s because you’ve been going out of your way to help me on this new job. It’s a small gift but it’s a token of my appreciation.
생각이 날 듯한데
Hey, what’s the name of the movie that you watched last week? I am thinking of watching it tomorrow. Hmm…it’s on the tip of my tongue.
세상 참 좁다!
Guess what! I ran into Lisa at the baseball game yesterday. Which Lisa? Lisa Wallace from our elementary school. She’s now married with two kids.
마음이 조마조마하네
Hey, I’m looking forward to listening in on your presentation this afternoon. I heard it’s a huge audience! I think around 300 people are attending.