더 이상은 못 참아
I heard Jack is no longer with our company. Yeah. It’s because he got fired last week.
그냥 차분하게 지내려고
How are you feeling about the test? Though I am very anxious about this test, I will play it cool all day.
여전히 꽁해 있어
David isn’t talking to me today. Oh, how come? Well, we got into a small argument yesterday and he still has a chip on his shoulder.
비밀 꼭 지킬게
Jen, we decided to throw a surprise birthday party for Gloria. So please don’t mention it to her. It’s a secret until the day of her birthday.
벌컥 화내다
Hey, Alice! How was the baseball game last night? It was a company outing right? Oh man! I flipped out as soon as we got to the stadium.
당분 섭취를 줄여야 돼
Ugh, it’s so hot today! Let’s go get some ice cream to cool off. I wish but I can’t! I gained 10 pounds in the last couple of months and my doctor advised me to cut down on sugar and fat.
오해하지는 마
Hey, I’m thinking about asking Jeff to watch over my house while I’m gone. You’re going to ask Jeff? Don’t get me wrong, I think Jeff is a very nice guy, but he isn’t responsible.
일을 대충 하다
Have you finished planning your vacation? Not quite yet. I’m still looking for ways to cut corners and save money on this vacation.
정말 그래!
Mike, thanks for inviting me over for dinner yesterday. My pleasure!
어떻게 마음을 사로잡았니?
So tell me Mike, how did you steal your wife’s heart when you were dating her?