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Hey Mike, I know you’re very upset at Charles right now but you need to calm down. How could I? Charles is blaming me for something I haven’t done and he won’t….

Who is winning the race? It’s hard to say. Both sprinters are neck and neck. Oh really? I should watch it.

소식 전해줘
You’re flying out to Hawaii tomorrow right? Yes I am. I’m looking forward to it. Have fun and don’t forget to call me once you arrive.

요즘 멋있어 보이는구나
Hey you’ve got it going on these days! Thanks. I’ve been working out at the gym so that I can get fit.

무리하지 마세요
Hey, I think I’m overdoing the workout routine during the basketball practice. My knees have been in a lot of pain these days.

백지장도 맞들면 낫다
Hey, I don’t think I’ll make it to the dinner appointment with our friends later tonight. Why?

몸 상태가 좋지 않아
Did you get home safely and get some rest after the party? I know you stayed behind late last night to help clean up. I got home safely but I didn’t get a good night sleep so I’m feeling a bit off this morning.

컴퓨터가 결국 망가졌어
My old computer finally bit the dust. It’s not working anymore. Oh no! How long have you had it for? About seven years.

새것이나 마찬가지야
Hey, I’m selling my couch. Would you like to come and take a look at it? Sure. How long have you used it for? Just over two years, but it’s as good as new.

꼼짝 못하고 집에만 있었어
Hey, are you feeling any better? Yes, much better. Mike: That’s good to hear. Then let me take you out for some fresh air and grab some lunch outdoors. I just feel like you’ve been stuck and cooped up at home all week from the cold.